Sunday 25 August 2013

My week #34

The weather has been quite wet and grey this week and I found myself drawn to a darker theme for my pages.  It wasn't depressing though because they were nestled inside my Original Filofax and that sunny yellow leather always makes me smile!

My week in my Filofax #34

I read a post by Zoe At Home the other week that really struck a chord with me.  It was about taking time out once a week to get away from it all even if it was just popping out for a coffee by yourself.  I was discussing this with my husband and he said he would take the children over to the park so I could have a long relaxing bath and a pamper.  It was really nice to spend some time alone and not have anyone knocking on the door because they needed to use the toilet or fancied a chat!  I felt great afterwards and really calm and de-stressed.  It is amazing how some music and a few candles can transform your regular bathroom into a mini spa!

Close up

Close up

I feel like I have been neglecting my blog a little by only posting my weekly pages over the summer.  It is quite hard to find the time to write a post and take the photos to go along with it while the children are off school.  I have still been coming up with lots of ideas though and making a note of them so once school has started again and I'm back into the swing of things I should be posting more often.  I will also have some guest posts for you from other bloggers through the Philofaxy All Stars Tour so keep an eye out for those!

Thanks for reading!


  1. "Me-Time" is essential, and what a great husband to help you with that!... Your pages look great.. Love that washi tape, and the little teapot is so CUTE! ~tina

    1. He really is great, I think I'll keep him ;) Thanks Tina!
